Meditation for World Peace, Self Mastery, Spiritual Awakening, and Illumination...
Telephone enquiries 07949 141400
Welcome to this website, explaining to you some basics about these meditation sessions.
The goal of this group is to help others to experience an inner spiritually awakening, and in the process, to be of Service to humanity. It is from achieving our own individual enlightenment, that we in turn can then help and assist others to do the same. Just by raising one's own consciousness, silently assists others to heal, find inner peace, and to achieve the same.
This meditation group is suitable for all, from absolute beginners, to advanced experienced meditators.
Each session will vary, using slightly different meditation techniques, to find a practice to suit you.
Nobody can teach you true meditation. What can be taught are techniques that may assist you into achieving an awakening, true meditation, self-realization, and enlightenment. There is no other teacher than your own Soul.
Miracles & Science
Miracles are fantastic events which utilise hidden Laws of Nature that most people are not aware of. Miracles do not break the Laws of Nature' they are actually based upon the science of them.
When humanity understands and practices these Laws, the majority of dis-ease will cease, and mankind will be at peace with the awareness of the totality of non-duality and the Oneness of All.
Energy Life Force
There is an energy Life Force. In India it is called Prana, in China it is called Chi, the Greeks called it Pneuma, Polynesian – Mana, and in Hebrew – Ruah, which means breath of Life. All physical life has an inner Life Force, an invisible Energy that sustains it. We constantly drain our life force by every thought, every act of will and movement of the body. Negative thinking, wrong action, and bad diet decrease the Life Energy faster.
However, by increasing this Energy naturally with meditation, right living and thinking, our whole Being becomes healthier, more energized, and more powerful. Eventually our connection to our the totality of non-duality becomes stronger. As this connection becomes stronger and more powerful; it acts as a channel to the down pouring of Divine Energy, ultimately leading to enlightenment and self-realization.
Satsang & Meditation
The word Satsang is derived from the Sanskrit sat meaning "purity or truth", and sanga meaning "in group or association". Thus the literal meaning of satsang is "the company of Truth" Satsang may also include reading or listening to spiritual teachings before reflecting on their meaning and assimilating them into daily life.
“From the unreal lead me to the real. From the darkness lead me to the light. From death lead me to immortality. “ Likewise the prayer of St. Francis. “ Lord make me an instrument of your peace, where there is hatred, let me sow Love; where there is injury, pardon; etc. is the same teaching as the Vedic mantra, that there is the way to find joy within yourself, peace, and to liberate yourself from the little self to attain your birth right – the eternal Light and everlasting life.