Meditation Classes in Belper.
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The main purpose of any meditation technique is to develop your ability to control your thoughts and feelings to influence the quality of your experience of life and to achieve a positive perception of the world around you. To be calm, and peaceful with a greater sense of wellbeing. Also people may try meditation techniques as with the ‘Law of Attraction’ to create wealth and good health for themselves etc.
However, true meditation has always been to achieve an awakening to enlightenment and self-realization, and the purpose of these meditation sessions is to achieve exactly that...
The mind is the most precious tool and gift we have. The word ‘education’ is based upon the Latin ‘educere’ meaning to “draw out.” So knowledge is something we can draw out! From where? From within! Learn to discover how to turn the mind inwards with meditation.
Below 2 Meditations
The physical and psychological conditions of each practitioner vary. Therefore any teachers or instructors will not be held liable for any adverse effects arising from the practice of meditation techniques and exercises given during or after the classes.
If any discomfort(s) or adverse effect(s) are experienced, the practitioner is advised to stop the practice immediately.