About Jeremy
Jeremy was born in Bath, Somerset, in 1954. Now, seventy years of age he has a wealth of experience around meditation, a Path which has been walking for many years.
He has previously studied, tried and tested various spiritual disciplines.
More recently (2013) Jeremy was initiated in India into Siddha/Maha yoga, a mystical sect of Shaivite Hinduism that relies on direct experience of the energy life-force. However, Jeremy does not follow the beliefs and exoteric practises of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism or any other ism, instead he has discovered the esoteric, or inner knowledge that is uncovered by looking within using meditation, and self-enquiry.
When awakening happens, the minds need to understand disappears into unconditional Love, and there is a Oneness with All.
Jeremy says that from using the breath the right way, we can find a gap in between the thoughts, and when we can reside there, we find the very thing we have been seeking.
Jeremy says he is not a guru, or a teacher, although he has joined many, he belongs to no actual lineage, or religious organization, follows no other teachings than his own experiences, he now practises and also offers guidance on meditation, self-enquiry, and other spiritual disciplines.
Keeping it simple, true meditation is sitting in silence, just sitting, just letting go, just being physically, emotionally and mentally still.